Dr. Igor Pontes Duff

Team Leader and Research Fellow
Full name: Igor Pontes Duff Pereira
Nationality: Brazilian
Birth: June 16th,1989 (Rio de Janeiro,Brazil)
Email: pontes(at)mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
My Google scholar profile
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Mountain View

Curriculum Vitae

About me

I am a team leader of Structure Dynamical Systems at Max Planck Institute (MPI-DCTS), Magdeburg, Germany, in the group Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory led by Prof. Dr. Peter Benner.

Research interest


2013 -2017 PhD student at ISAE/Onera
"Large-scale and infinite dimensional dynamical model approximation" under the supervision of Charles Poussot-Vassal and Cedric Seren
2012 -2013 MSc ATSI-Automatics and Signal
Speciality: control theory. Final thesis: "Approximation de modeles de grande dimension sans realisation" under the supervision of Charles Poussot-Vassal and Pierre Vuilemin
2012 -2013 ISAE/Supaero
Double engenner degree. Speciality: control and aeronautic systems.
2010 -2012 Ecole Polytechnique
Engineer Polytechnicien Program. Speciality: engineering sciences and applied mathematics. Final thesis: optimal transfer in magnetic resonance under the supervision of Ugo Boscain and Yacine Chitour.
2007 -2009 University of Sao Paulo (USP)
Undergrad in Molecular Sciences. Scientific initiation project in mathematical methods in fluid mechanics advised by Jose A. P. Aranha.

Scholarships and Awards


Available at my Google scholar profile


Lecturer at OvGU: Model Reduction for Dynamical Systems, 6 ECTS, 2023.

Lecturer at OvGU: Model Reduction for Dynamical Systems, 6 ECTS, 2021.

Teacher assistant at INSA: Continuous Linear Systems (3rd year), Control laboratory (2nd year-15h), Control systems (4rd year), approximatively 100hs, 2014-2016.

Teacher assistant at ISAE/Supaero: Control systems (4rd year), approximatively 40hs, 2014-2016.

Teacher assistant at EDSYS: Short course on model reduction (PhD students), approximatively 20hs, May, 2016.