Team Leader and Research Fellow
Full name: Igor Pontes Duff Pereira
Nationality: Brazilian
Birth: June 16th,1989 (Rio de Janeiro,Brazil)
Email: pontes(at)
My Google scholar profile
Download my CV here
I am a team leader of Structure Dynamical Systems at Max Planck Institute (MPI-DCTS), Magdeburg, Germany, in the group Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory led by Prof. Dr. Peter Benner.
2013 -2017 | PhD student at ISAE/Onera "Large-scale and infinite dimensional dynamical model approximation" under the supervision of Charles Poussot-Vassal and Cedric Seren |
2012 -2013 | MSc ATSI-Automatics and Signal Speciality: control theory. Final thesis: "Approximation de modeles de grande dimension sans realisation" under the supervision of Charles Poussot-Vassal and Pierre Vuilemin |
2012 -2013 | ISAE/Supaero Double engenner degree. Speciality: control and aeronautic systems. |
2010 -2012 | Ecole Polytechnique Engineer Polytechnicien Program. Speciality: engineering sciences and applied mathematics. Final thesis: optimal transfer in magnetic resonance under the supervision of Ugo Boscain and Yacine Chitour. |
2007 -2009 | University of Sao Paulo (USP) Undergrad in Molecular Sciences. Scientific initiation project in mathematical methods in fluid mechanics advised by Jose A. P. Aranha. |
Available at my Google scholar profile
Lecturer at OvGU: Model Reduction for Dynamical Systems, 6 ECTS, 2023.
Lecturer at OvGU: Model Reduction for Dynamical Systems, 6 ECTS, 2021.
Teacher assistant at INSA: Continuous Linear Systems (3rd year), Control laboratory (2nd year-15h), Control systems (4rd year), approximatively 100hs, 2014-2016.
Teacher assistant at ISAE/Supaero: Control systems (4rd year), approximatively 40hs, 2014-2016.
Teacher assistant at EDSYS: Short course on model reduction (PhD students), approximatively 20hs, May, 2016.